May 7, 2009

A fairwell to Scrubs.
A couple years ago, when I was recovering from a shoulder surgery, I watched every single episode of Scrubs in chronological order. Yes, I'm that big of a Scrubs geek.

So it was sad to see the show end last night after 8 seasons on the air. I always insisted it was the most accurate medical show on TV, and people often stared at me with crazy eyes for suggesting a slapstick comedy show could do such a thing. But I still feel like no other show really got at the deeper drama and emotional aspect of a hospital than Scrubs did. And its medical terminology was always spot on.

So farewell, Scrubs. And thanks-for-everything-five.

And yes, I can finally tell after all these years that the xray is backwards. Either that or the joke is on us and we're looking at a perfect example of situs inversus.

1 comment:

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